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Alva Rigg
Charles Rigg
Dorothy Rigg Albright
Dorothy Rigg Powell
Edna Rigg
Eugene Palmer Rigg NEW!!
Frances Louise Rigg
Frank Clifton Rigg
Frank Clifton Rigg NEW!!
Nephew of the first Frank Clifton Rigg
George Franklin Rigg
John Albert Rigg
John Dorman Rigg
John Luttrell Rigg
Lauren Dale Rigg
Lauren D. Rigg family NEW PHOTO!!
Lauren Howard Rigg
Leon Methodist Episcopal Church 1880 and 1909
Leola Pearl Palmer Rigg
Lois Rigg Thompson
Louis Harold Rigg NEW PHOTO!!
Maria Eliza Rigg Sloan
Melvin Gillison Rigg
Melvin Gillison Rigg II NEW!!
Miranda Gambrel Rigg
Nancy Rigg
Perry David Rigg
Perry D. Rigg and Children
Thomas Townley Rigg
Thomas Townley Rigg and Family
Townly Rigg
Victoria Madeline Bednarz Rigg
William Henry Rigg
William Rigg
William Clifton Rigg NEW!!